Have a specific non-emergency need or a question about our products or services? Please complete the inquiry form for your service center, and we’ll get back to you right away. Of course, you’re welcome to contact us by telephone, fax, or mail, if that is more convenient for you. We look forward to hearing from you.
Please Note: If you have an emergency breakdown, please call the main number at the Roanoke or Harrisonburg service center 24 hours a day. After hours, your message will be directed to a staff person, who will return your call.
Lloyd Electric Co., Inc. – Roanoke 605 Third Street, SE Roanoke, VA 24013 540.982.0135 or 800.868.6687 info-Roanoke@lloydelectric.net USE our Inquiry Form |
Lloyd Electric Co., Inc. – Harrisonburg 870 N. Liberty Street Harrisonburg, VA 22802 540.433.5335 or 800.763.5335 info-Harrisonburg@lloydelectric.net Use our inquiry Form |